Saturday, January 21, 2012

[ns] Deadline extension | CfP: ICCGI 2012 || June 24-29, 2012 - Venice, Italy



Please, consider contributing to and/or forwarding to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and
publish original scientific results to ICCGI 2012.

The submission deadline is set to February 16, 2012.

In addition, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended article versions to one of the IARIA Journals:


============== ICCGI 2012 | Call for Papers ===============


ICCGI 2012, The Seventh International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology

June 24-29, 2012 - Venice, Italy

General page:

Call for Papers:

- regular papers

- short papers (work in progress)

- posters

Submission page:

Submission deadline: February 16, 2012

Sponsored by IARIA,

Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals:

Please, note the Poster and Work in Progress options.

The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards,
implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete
unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to,
topic areas.

All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in terms of Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress,
Technical/marketing/business presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and Panels.

Before submission, please check and conform with the Editorial rules:

ICCGI 2012 Topics (topics and submission details: see CfP on the site)

Industrial systems

Control theory and systems; Fault-tolerance and reliability; Data engineering; Enterprise computing and evaluation;
Electrical and electronics engineering; Economic decisions and information systems; Advanced robotics; Virtual reality
systems; Industrial systems and applications; Industrial and financial systems; Industrial control electronics; Industrial
IT solutions

Evolutionary computation

Algorithms, procedures, mechanisms and applications; Computer architecture and systems; Computational sciences;
Computation in complex systems; Computer and communication systems; Computer networks; Computer science theory;
Computation and computer security; Computer simulation; Digital telecommunications; Distributed and parallel computing;
Computation in embedded and real-time systems; Soft computing; User-centric computation

Autonomic and autonomous systems

Automation and autonomous systems; Theory of Computing; Autonomic computing; Autonomic networking; Network computing;
Protecting computing; Theories of agency and autonomy; Multi-agent evolution, adaptation and learning; Adjustable and
self-adjustable autonomy; Pervasive systems and computation; Computing with locality principles; GRID networking and
services; Pervasive computing; Cluster computing and performance; Artificial intelligence Computational linguistics;
Cognitive technologies; Decision making; Evolutionary computation; Expert systems; Computational biology


Models and techniques for biometric technologies; Bioinformatics; Biometric security; Computer graphics and
visualization; Computer vision and image processing; Computational biochemistry; Finger, facial, iris, voice, and skin
biometrics; Signature recognition; Multimodal biometrics; Verification and identification techniques; Accuracy of
biometric technologies; Authentication smart cards and biometric metrics; Performance and assurance testing; Limitations
of biometric technologies; Biometric card technologies; Biometric wireless technologies; Biometric software and hardware;
Biometric standards

Knowledge data systems

Data mining and Web mining; Knowledge databases and systems; Data warehouse and applications; Data warehousing and
information systems; Database performance evaluation; Semantic and temporal databases; Database systems Databases and
information retrieval; Digital library design; Meta-data modeling

Mobile and distance education

Human computer interaction; Educational technologies; Computer in education; Distance learning; E-learning; Mobile
learning Cognitive support for learning; Internet-based education; Impact of ICT on education and society; Group decision
making and software; Habitual domain and information technology; Computer-mediated communications; Immersing authoring;
Contextual and cultural challenges in user mobility

Intelligent techniques, logics, and systems

Intelligent agent technologies; Intelligent and fuzzy information processing; Intelligent computing and knowledge
management; Intelligent systems and robotics; Fault-tolerance and reliability; Fuzzy logic & systems; Genetic algorithms;
Haptic phenomena; Graphic recognition; Neural networks; Symbolic and algebraic computation; Modeling, simulation and
analysis of business processes and systems

Knowledge processing

Knowledge representation models; Knowledge languages; Cognitive science; Knowledge acquisition; Knowledge engineering;
Knowledge processing under uncertainty; Machine intelligence; Machine learning; Making decision through Internet;
Networking knowledge plan

Information technologies

Information technology and organizational behavior; Agents, data mining and ontologies; Information retrieval systems;
Information and network security; Information ethics and legal evaluations; Optimization and information technology;
Organizational information systems; Information fusion; Information management systems; Information overload; Information
policy making; Information security; Information systems; Information discovery

Internet and web technologies

Internet and WWW-based computing; Web and Grid computing; Internet service and training; IT and society; IT in
education and health; Management information systems; Visualization and group decision making; Web based language
development; Web search and decision making; Web service ontologies; Scientific web intelligence; Online business and
decision making; Business rule language; E-Business; E-Commerce; Online and collaborative work; Social eco-systems and
social networking; Social decisions on Internet; Computer ethics

Digital information processing

Mechatronics; Natural language processing; Medical imaging; Image processing; Signal processing; Speech processing;
Video processing; Pattern recognition; Pattern recognition models; Graphics & computer vision; Medical systems and

Cognitive science and knowledge agent-based systems

Cognitive support for e-learning and mobile learning; Agents and cognitive models; Agents & complex systems;
computational ecosystems; Agent architectures, perception, action & planning in agents; Agent communication: languages,
semantics, pragmatics & protocols; Agent-based electronic commerce and trading systems Multi-agent constraint
satisfaction; Agent programming languages, development environments and testbeds; Computational complexity in autonomous
agents; Multi-agent planning and cooperation; Logics and formal models of for agency verification; Nomadic agents;
Negotiation, auctions, persuasion; Privacy and security issues in multi-agent systems

Mobility and multimedia systems

Mobile communications; Multimedia and visual programming; Multimedia and decision making; Multimedia systems; Mobile
multimedia systems; User-centered mobile applications; Designing for the mobile devices; Contextual user mobility; Mobile
strategies for global market; Interactive television and mobile commerce

Systems performance

Performance evaluation; Performance modeling; Performance of parallel computing; Reasoning under uncertainty;
Reliability and fault-tolerance; Performance instrumentation; Performance monitoring and corrections; Performance in
entity-dependable systems; Real-time performance and near-real time performance evaluation; Performance in software
systems; Performance and hybrid systems; Measuring performance in embedded systems

Networking and telecommunications

Telecommunication and Networking; Telecommunication Systems and Evaluation; Multiple Criteria Decision Making in
Information Technology; Network and Decision Making; Networks and Security; Communications protocols (SIP/H323/MPLS/IP);
Specialized networks (GRID/P2P/Overlay/Ad hoc/Sensor); Advanced services (VoIP/IPTV/Video-on-Demand; Network and system
monitoring and management; Feature interaction detection and resolution; Policy-based monitoring and managements systems;
Traffic modeling and monitoring; Traffic engineering and management; Self-monitoring, self-healing and self-management
systems; Man-in-the-loop management paradigm

Software development and deployment

Software requirements engineering; Software design, frameworks, and architectures; Software interactive design; Formal
methods for software development, verification and validation; Neural networks and performance;
Patterns/Anti-patterns/Artifacts/Frameworks; Agile/Generic/Agent-oriented programming; Empirical software evaluation
metrics; Software vulnerabilities; Reverse engineering; Software reuse; Software security, reliability and safety;
Software economics; Software testing and debugging; Tracking defects in the OO design; Distributed and parallel software;
Programming languages; Declarative programming; Real-time and embedded software; Open source software development
methodologies; Software tools and deployment environments; Software Intelligence; Software Performance and Evaluation

Knowledge virtualization

Modeling techniques, tools, methodologies, languages; Model-driven architectures (MDA); Service-oriented architectures
(SOA); Utility computing frameworks and fundamentals; Enabled applications through virtualization; Small-scale
virtualization methodologies and techniques; Resource containers, physical resource multiplexing, and segmentation;
Large-scale virtualization methodologies and techniques; Management of virtualized systems; Platforms, tools,
environments, and case studies; Making virtualization real; On-demand utilities Adaptive enterprise; Managing
utility-based systems; Development environments, tools, prototypes

Systems and networks on the chip

Microtechnology and nanotechnology; Real-time embedded systems; Programming embedded systems; Controlling embedded
systems; High speed embedded systems; Designing methodologies for embedded systems; Performance on embedded systems;
Updating embedded systems; Wireless/wired design of systems-on-the-chip; Testing embedded systems; Technologies for
systems processors; Migration to single-chip systems

Context-aware systems

Context-aware autonomous entities; Context-aware fundamental concepts, mechanisms, and applications; Modeling
context-aware systems; Specification and implementation of awareness behavioral contexts; Development and deployment of
large-scale context-aware systems and subsystems; User awareness requirements Design techniques for interfaces and
systems; Methodologies, metrics, tools, and experiments for specifying context-aware systems; Tools evaluations,
Experiment evaluations

Networking technologies

Next generation networking; Network, control and service architectures; Network signalling, pricing and billing;
Network middleware; Telecommunication networks architectures; On-demand networks, utility computing architectures; Next
generation networks [NGN] principles; Storage area networks [SAN]; Access and home networks; High-speed networks; Optical
networks; Peer-to-peer and overlay networking; Mobile networking and systems; MPLS-VPN, IPSec-VPN networks; GRID networks;
Broadband networks

Security in network, systems, and applications

IT in national and global security; Formal aspects of security; Systems and network security; Security and
cryptography; Applied cryptography; Cryptographic protocols; Key management; Access control; Anonymity and pseudonymity
management; Security management; Trust management; Protection management; Certification and accreditation; Virii, worms,
attacks, spam; Intrusion prevention and detection; Information hiding; Legal and regulatory issues

Knowledge for global defense

Business continuity and availability; Risk assessment; Aerospace computing technologies; Systems and networks
vulnerabilities; Developing trust in Internet commerce; Performance in networks, systems, and applications; Disaster
prevention and recovery; IT for anti-terrorist technology innovations (ATTI); Networks and applications emergency
services; Privacy and trust in pervasive communications; Digital rights management; User safety and protection

Information Systems [IS]

Management Information Systems; Decision Support Systems; Innovation and IS; Enterprise Application Integration;
Enterprise Resource Planning; Business Process Change; Design and Development Methodologies and Frameworks; Iterative and
Incremental Methodologies; Agile Methodologies; IS Standards and Compliance Issues; Risk Management in IS Design and
Development; Research Core Theories; Conceptualisations and Paradigms in IS; Research Ontological Assumptions in IS
Research; IS Research Constraints, Limitations and Opportunities; IS vs Computer Science Research; IS vs Business Studies

IPv6 Today - Technology and deployment

IP Upgrade - An Engineering Exercise or a Necessity?; Worldwide IPv6 Adoption - Trends and Policies; IPv6 Programs,
from Research to Knowledge Dissemination; IPv6 Technology - Practical Information; Advanced Topics and Latest Developments
in IPv6; IPv6 Deployment Experiences and Case Studies; IPv6 Enabled Applications and Devices


Continuous and Discrete Models; Optimal Models; Complex System Modeling; Individual-Based Models; Modeling Uncertainty;
Compact Fuzzy Models; Modeling Languages; Real-time modeling; Peformance modeling


Multicriteria Optimization; Multilervel Optimization; Goal Programming; Optimization and Efficiency; Optimization-based
decisions; Evolutionary Optimization; Self-Optimization; Extreme Optimization; Combinatorial Optimization; Disccrete
Optimization; Fuzzy Optimization; Lipschitzian Optimization; Non-Convex Optimization; Convexity; Continuous Optimization;
Interior point methods; Semidefinite and Conic Programming


Complexity Analysis; Computational Complexity; Complexity Reduction; Optimizing Model Complexity; Communication
Complexity; Managing Complexity; Modeling Complexity in Social Systems; Low-complexity Global Optimization; Software
Development for Modeling and Optimization; Industrial applications


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