1. Experiment Objectives1. Understand the concept of routers and routing.2. Able to use the simulator to simulate the conditions actually.3. Able to use the commands to the router administration
2. Basic TheoryIn the simulation of computer networks will inevitably require a considerable effort and funds a lot, so it becomes a barrier in network simulation. For that made softwere packet tracer. Packet Tracer is a software developed by Cisco. Where is the software used to create a computer network or often called a computer network. In this program has been available some-kompenen components or devices that are often worn or used in the system network, such examples Suppose Lan cable (cross over, console, etc.), HUB, Switches, Router and so forth. So that we can easily build a computer network simulation on your PC, this simulation serves to find out how to work on each of these tools and how to delivery a message from one computer to another computer can be simulated as well.
3. Tools and Materialsa. Kompuer (PC)b. Softwere Packet Tracer
4. Experimental Procedure
i. Simulation Cross a. The first - our first prepared a computer that already installed the software Packet Tracer, in this experiment we use the Packet Tracer 5.0b. Go to Packet Tracer c. Then we put two PCs by clicking on the menu and then select the PC and device move to a worksheet in turn.d. Then select the cable we will use to connect the two PCs profit on sheet work, to connect two PCs we use copper cables with cross-over manner click on the cable, and then you click again on the computer 1 and click on Lahi 2 for connecting computers.e. Double click on the computer 1, the menu bar and select the Desktop>> enter the IP addresses.f. then doubel also click on the computer 2, set the IP addresses the same as computer 1 with a different IP address. And later will appear in red on each base cable color gradually changed to green.g. Then we test the connection by sending data from computer 1 to computer 2.h. Select panel simulation, and note the movement of data.
ii. Simulation Switch a. The first - our first prepared a computer that already installed the software Packet Tracer, in this experiment we used the Packet Tracer 5.0 b. Go to Packet Tracer c. Then we put two PCs by clicking on the menu and then select the PC and device move to a worksheet in turn. d. enter multiple computers on a worksheet, in this case we enter 5 e. Enter the device switches placed between the fifth PC. f. Connect with straight-through cable PC with Swich, so on the fifth Its PC. g. Set the IP address of each PC with different IP. h. Then we test the connection by sending data between your PC I. Click the simulations and see how the karingannya.
5. Experimental Results a. Simulation Cross Data transferred move toward computer 2, and if appropriate, the data transferred there will be notification in the form of check lists. b. Simulation switch The transferred data will lead to several computers in turn, but automatically if its IP address does not match the address in question will be canceled and The correct IP address it receives the data transferred.
6. Conclusion a. That all means of communication or any device that uses a network system has its own IP address. b. Shipping data is always performed on all IP addresses but who were executed or who could not accept that only the intended IP address.
7. Attachment
IP Address
The number of IP addresses that are theoretically available are 255 255x255 255 or approximately 4 billion more to be distributed to all users worldwide Internet network. The division of classes is intended to facilitate the allocation of IP addresses, both for the host / network or for certain specific purposes.
IP addresses can be separated into 2 parts, namely the network (net ID) and the host (host ID). Net ID plays a role in the identification of a network from another network, while the host ID serves to identify the hosts in a network. So, all hosts that are connected in the same network have the same net ID. Some of the bits of the initial part of the IP Address is the network bit / network number, while the rest is for the host. The dividing line between the network and hosts are not fixed, depending on the class network. IP addresses are divided into five classes, namely class A, class B, class C, class D and class E.
The differences of each class is on the size and number. For example class A IP network is used by few but the number of hosts that can be accommodated by each network is very large. Class D and E are not used in general, the class D is used for network multicast and class E for keprluan experimental. Internet Protocol software to determine the distribution of types of these classes by examining the first few bits of an IP Address.The first bit IP address class A is 0, with a length of 8 bits of the net ID and host ID 24 bits long. So the first byte of the IP address of class A has a range from 0-127. So there are 127 in class A network with each network can accommodate about 16 million hosts (255 255x255). IP addresses are given for the class A network with a very large number of hosts.
Two-bit IP address class B was always set to 10 so the first byte is always worth between 128-191. Network ID is 16 bits and 16 bits are the host ID so that if any computer has the IP address, the network ID and host ID = 167 205 = 26 161. At. Class B IP address has a range of IP from 128.0.xxx.xxx to 191.155.xxx.xxx, which amounted to 65,255 hosts per network with a number of network hosts 255 x 255 or approximately 65 thousand hosts.
Class C IP address initially used for small networks such as LANs. The first three bits of a class C IP address is always set 111. Network ID consists of 24 bits and 8 bits of remaining host ID that can be formed about 2 million networks with each network has 256 hosts.
Class C IP address used for multicasting. The first 4 bits class C IP address is always set to 1110 so that the first byte range between 224-247, while the next bits are set according to the purposes of the multicast group using IP address. In the multicasting is not known the term network ID and host ID.
IP address of the class E is not intended for public use. The first 4-bit IP address class of 1111 is set so that the first byte range between 248-255.In addition, the term is also known as Network Prefix, which is used to designate the IP address prefix is jaringan.Penulisan network with a slash "/" followed a number that indicates the network prefix length in bits. For example to designate a class B network 167.205/16 167.205.xxx.xxx used writing. Number 16 is a bit long for a class B network prefix
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