Wednesday, November 30, 2011

[ns] Dec 20, 2011:Extended Deadline-ICC2012's workshop SaCoNet-III, Ottawa, Canada

 We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this CFP. (Extended Deadline Dec 20, 2011)

IEEE ICC 2012: 3rd IEEE International Workshop on SmArt COmmunications in
NEtwork Technologies (SaCoNeT-III)
To be held in conjunction with the
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2012), Ottawa Canada.

Submission deadline:        20 December 2011 (Extended Deadline)
Submission Link:       
Authors Notification:          10 February  2012
Final Manuscript:               31 March 2012
Workshop Date:                June 10 -15 2012


As continuity of the first and the second edition of SaCoNet (ex. SaCoNaS),
the scope of SaCoNet-III focused on how smart communications has affect
some aspects (protocols, design, equipment, algorithms, paradigm, power,
etc.) for a large family of applications (Healthcare, Medical, Underwater,
Vehicular, Robotic, etc.) using network technologies (Sensor Networks,
MANET, VANET, etc.).  The objective is to deal with the growing
overlap between both autonomous systems and the future generation of
network technologies embedded in Internet and cloud computing for a wide
variety of applications (underwater, vehicular, medical, robotic, etc.).
Indeed, autonomous applications embedded in complex configurations and
dynamic environments have rapidly expanded from classical
applications where different modular devices, actuators and sensors
interact closely.  This has impacted considerably the control of a given
system in a centralized manner. Current
trends are to propose new autonomic architecture schemes that manage and
control future emerging networks: sky of clouds, Internet of things, Smart
Grids, etc. Healthcare and wellness applications such as helping elderly
people, assisting dependent persons, habitat monitoring in a smart
environment constitute some of the potential scenarios of convergence
between autonomous systems and smart network technologies. These
applications, (which are based on high-level commands) accomplish some
specific tasks, reveal new challenges regarding mechanic design,
portability, acceptability, power support and efficiency, control theory,
etc. In addition to portability and low-power systems, which are vital
challenges that limit substantially the efficiency of any autonomous system
based application; network paradigms should also take into account issues
related to cost, scalability and security.

This workshop will highlight the overlapping of these two domains
of autonomous systems and the smart network technologies devoted
for different applications for a large variety of domains:
Healthcare, Medical, Underwater, Vehicular, Robotic, etc. Issues related to
concepts, new technologies, testbeds and trials, and protocols will
elicit particular attention. All submitted papers will be rigorously
reviewed and we will select papers based on their originality,
timeliness, significance, and relevance to the workshop. All accepted
papers must be presented and at least on author needs to register for the
paper to be included in the workshop proceedings. Submitted papers should
not be under consideration for publication anywhere else.

The workshop solicits papers addressing, but are not limited to,
the following topics:
·Cloud Computing and Internet of things
·Architecture and protocol for wireless based sensor networks
·Vehicular applications of autonomous behavior
·Underwater applications
·Rural applications
·Secure, scalable and low cost network paradigms applications
·Energy optimization of autonomous systems
·Autonomous manipulation using service robots
·Virtual networks and distributed Agent Platform
·Pervasive communication in autonomous application fields
·Rehabilitation robotics, exoskeletons, smart textile clothes and
wearable robots applications
·Context-awareness and ubiquitous applications
·Techniques of sensing, actuation and recognition
·Design modeling and control of autonomous robotic systems
·Assistive robotic technology
·Monitoring and security of autonomous systems in intelligent environment
·Context awareness using sensor networks
·Network based transmission architecture for controlling autonomous systems
·Real-time network based structure using sensors, actuators and transducers

The workshop accepts only novel, previously unpublished papers. Prospective
authors are encouraged to submit a 5-page standard IEEE conference style
paper (
to this workshop (including all text, figures, and references)
through EDAS submission system ( One additional
page may be allowed but with additional publication fee. Accepted papers
must be presented at the workshop. The presenter must register for the
workshop before the deadline for author registration ( Failure
to register before the deadline will result in automatic withdrawal of the
paper from the workshop proceedings and the program.

Steering Committee: Abdelhamid Mellouk, UPEC University, France, Chair
Sherali Zeadally, University of the District of Columbia, USA
Samer Mohammed, UPEC University, France

General Chair: Abdelhamid Mellouk, UPEC University, France, Chair

TPC Co-Chairs: Xavi Masip-Bruin, Univ. Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Scott Fowler, Linköping University, Sweden
Ibrahim Kamel, University of Sharjah, UAE

Publicity co-Chairs
Nadeem Javaid, COMSATS Institute of IT, Islamabad, Pakistan
Sami Souihi, UPEC University, France

Best regards,
Nadeem Javaid, Ph.D. (University of Paris-Est, France),
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering,
COMSATS Institute of IT, Park Road, Chak-Shahzad, 44000, Islamabad, Pakistan.,
Office#: +92 (0)51 9049207,Mobile#: +92 (0)300 5792728.

[ns] Dec20, 2011:Extended Deadline for ICC2012's WOrkshop SaCoNet-III, Ottawa Canada.

 We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this CFP. (Extended Deadline Dec 20, 2011)

IEEE ICC 2012: 3rd IEEE International Workshop on SmArt COmmunications in
NEtwork Technologies (SaCoNeT-III)
June 10, 2012
OTTAWA, Canada

Submission Deadline: December 20, 2011 (Extended Deadline)
Acceptance Notification: January 10, 2012
Final Manuscript: February 10, 2012


As continuity of the first and the second edition of SaCoNet (ex. SaCoNaS),
the scope of SaCoNet-III focused on how smart communications has affect
some aspects (protocols, design, equipment, algorithms, paradigm, power,
etc.) for a large family of applications (Healthcare, Medical, Underwater,
Vehicular, Robotic, etc.) using network technologies (Sensor Networks,
MANET, VANET, etc.).  The objective is to deal with the growing
overlap between both autonomous systems and the future generation of
network technologies embedded in Internet and cloud computing for a wide
variety of applications (underwater, vehicular, medical, robotic, etc.).
Indeed, autonomous applications embedded in complex configurations and
dynamic environments have rapidly expanded from classical
applications where different modular devices, actuators and sensors
interact closely.  This has impacted considerably the control of a given
system in a centralized manner. Current
trends are to propose new autonomic architecture schemes that manage and
control future emerging networks: sky of clouds, Internet of things, Smart
Grids, etc. Healthcare and wellness applications such as helping elderly
people, assisting dependent persons, habitat monitoring in a smart
environment constitute some of the potential scenarios of convergence
between autonomous systems and smart network technologies. These
applications, (which are based on high-level commands) accomplish some
specific tasks, reveal new challenges regarding mechanic design,
portability, acceptability, power support and efficiency, control theory,
etc. In addition to portability and low-power systems, which are vital
challenges that limit substantially the efficiency of any autonomous system
based application; network paradigms should also take into account issues
related to cost, scalability and security.

This workshop will highlight the overlapping of these two domains
of autonomous systems and the smart network technologies devoted
for different applications for a large variety of domains:
Healthcare, Medical, Underwater, Vehicular, Robotic, etc. Issues related to
concepts, new technologies, testbeds and trials, and protocols will
elicit particular attention. All submitted papers will be rigorously
reviewed and we will select papers based on their originality,
timeliness, significance, and relevance to the workshop. All accepted
papers must be presented and at least on author needs to register for the
paper to be included in the workshop proceedings. Submitted papers should
not be under consideration for publication anywhere else.

The workshop solicits papers addressing, but are not limited to,
the following topics:
·Cloud Computing and Internet of things
·Architecture and protocol for wireless based sensor networks
·Vehicular applications of autonomous behavior
·Underwater applications
·Rural applications
·Secure, scalable and low cost network paradigms applications
·Energy optimization of autonomous systems
·Autonomous manipulation using service robots
·Virtual networks and distributed Agent Platform
·Pervasive communication in autonomous application fields
·Rehabilitation robotics, exoskeletons, smart textile clothes and
wearable robots applications
·Context-awareness and ubiquitous applications
·Techniques of sensing, actuation and recognition
·Design modeling and control of autonomous robotic systems
·Assistive robotic technology
·Monitoring and security of autonomous systems in intelligent environment
·Context awareness using sensor networks
·Network based transmission architecture for controlling autonomous systems
·Real-time network based structure using sensors, actuators and transducers

The workshop accepts only novel, previously unpublished papers. Prospective
authors are encouraged to submit a 5-page standard IEEE conference style
paper (
to this workshop (including all text, figures, and references)
through EDAS submission system ( One additional
page may be allowed but with additional publication fee. Accepted papers
must be presented at the workshop. The presenter must register for the
workshop before the deadline for author registration ( Failure
to register before the deadline will result in automatic withdrawal of the
paper from the workshop proceedings and the program.

Steering Committee: Abdelhamid Mellouk, UPEC University, France, Chair
Sherali Zeadally, University of the District of Columbia, USA
Samer Mohammed, UPEC University, France

General Chair: Abdelhamid Mellouk, UPEC University, France, Chair

TPC Co-Chairs: Xavi Masip-Bruin, Univ. Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Scott Fowler, Linköping University, Sweden
Ibrahim Kamel, University of Sharjah, UAE

Publicity co-Chairs
Nadeem Javaid, COMSATS Institute of IT, Islamabad, Pakistan
Sami Souihi, UPEC University, France

Best regards,
Nadeem Javaid, Ph.D. (University of Paris-Est, France),
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering,
COMSATS Institute of IT, Park Road, Chak-Shahzad, 44000, Islamabad, Pakistan.,
Office#: +92 (0)51 9049207,Mobile#: +92 (0)300 5792728.

Re: [ns] warning: no class variable


Check your variable name. It should be var_myAgent, not var_mainAgent.

Best Regards,

Teerawat Issariyakul
On Nov 30, 2011, at 7:23 PM, K. M. wrote:

> Hi all,
> I defined the following agent
> Main_Agent::Main_Agent() : Agent(PT_UDP) {
> ...
> bind("var_mainAgent", &var_mainAgent);
> ...
> }
> I also defined the following agent which inherits from the previous
> My_Agent::My_Agent() : Main_Agent() {
> ...
> bind("var_myAgent", &var_myAgent);
> ...
> }
> When I execute my file I get the following message
> warning: no class variable Agent/My_Agent :: var_mainAgent
> I believe this is because the Main_Agent's constructor is not executed when I call the My_Agent's constructor. How do I solve this?
> Kind Regards

Re: [ns] NS2 and Eclipse Debug

Hi, RamiHach
I think maybe you should add the blue option i presented below in the
Makefile of ns-2.xx, tclcl or otcl those you want to debug
@rm -f $@
$(CPP) -g3 -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ $*.cc

@rm -f $@
$(CC) -g3 -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ $*.c

*Zhou Sanqi*
National Engineering Lab for Next Generation Internet Interconnection
School of Electronic Information Engineering
Beijing JiaoTong University
Addr:No.3 Shang Yuan Cun,Haidian District, Beijing, China
ZIP Code:100044 <>
Phone: 86 13521905662

RamiHach wrote:
> Dear NS user,
> I have added the ns folder as a new project to the eclipse. the build runs
> without error and I have set my tcl file as an argument to the run
> configuration. when I run, I can see the tcl file running with no problem
> and the output is displayed. However, when I set some breakpoints and hit
> the debug, it doesn't stop at those points and what happens, is exactly the
> same as when running the project resulting in no debug outputs!
> I would really appreciate if anyone can help me!
> thanks
> p.s I have already added the following lines to the makefile:
> CCOPT = -g

[ns] NS2 and Eclipse Debug

Dear NS user,
I have added the ns folder as a new project to the eclipse. the build runs
without error and I have set my tcl file as an argument to the run
configuration. when I run, I can see the tcl file running with no problem
and the output is displayed. However, when I set some breakpoints and hit
the debug, it doesn't stop at those points and what happens, is exactly the
same as when running the project resulting in no debug outputs!
I would really appreciate if anyone can help me!
p.s I have already added the following lines to the makefile:
CCOPT = -g

View this message in context:
Sent from the ns-users mailing list archive at

How to Try and Use a Robust PC Linux OS for Free

There are other computer operating systems out there besides Microsoft Windows. The Linux family of Operating Systems has been out there for years. Linux has come a long way and now operates and looks like Windows except its faster, a lot more stable, and you can multi task without slowing down. Linux OS is free and so is all of the additional application you can install. The steps given below are to guide you in downloading the software and burn it to a CD. You can try it out without touching your hard drive. All you need to do is boot your PC from your CD. Your hard drive is untouched.


Go to the PC Linux website: /index.php?option=com_ionfiles&Itemid=28 , select the download site, then select save to disk. The size of the ISO is approximately 698 MB.

Since this is an ISO file you will need software to burn the ISO to a CD. If you already have this software you can skip Steps 2 and 3.


Go to: / to download the Imgburn software to your PC.


Install the Imgburn software to your PC. This software is simple to use and will take your Linux OS and burn it to the CD.


Using your ISO burning software, locate the PC Linux 2007 OS you downloaded and prepare to burn it to a CD.


Place the Linux OS CD into your CD drive, turn on your pc and either select your boot drive or go into BIOS Setup to change your boot drive sequence to your CD drive. When you turn on your PC you will see something like: Select F2 for Boot Sequence or Select F12 to enter setup.


As Linux OS is loading, follow the on screen instructions and in about 2 minutes you will have a robust PC Linux OS to try out.


Make a decision if you want to keep it or not or even install it on an old computer. All your Word, Excel, Pictures, and Music files can be used on Linux. All software is included and even tons more you can download. Youll never have to buy software again.


[ns] warning: no class variable

Hi all,

I defined the following agent

Main_Agent::Main_Agent() : Agent(PT_UDP) {
bind("var_mainAgent", &var_mainAgent);

I also defined the following agent which inherits from the previous

My_Agent::My_Agent() : Main_Agent() {
bind("var_myAgent", &var_myAgent);

When I execute my file I get the following message

warning: no class variable Agent/My_Agent :: var_mainAgent

I believe this is because the Main_Agent's constructor is not executed when I call the My_Agent's constructor. How do I solve this?

Kind Regards

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

[ns] I can not set the position of HA,FA in nam

[ns] Get the average waiting time for a wireless queue in NS2

Hi friends,

I need to calculate the average waiting time near a wireless node. But since
the wireless trace files do not have enqueue and dequeue events (as in trace
files of wired networks) I do not understand how to do this. Can anyone
please help me to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance

View this message in context:
Sent from the ns-users mailing list archive at

How to install Linux in Windows

Many of Windows users are afraid of installing Linux near Windows because they are afraid of loosing their data and currently installed operating system; they are also afraid of creating partitions for Linux. But there is something what can help us - it's Wubi - the unofficial Ubuntu Linux installer created for Microsoft system. With Wubi Linux is being installed as normal Windows program; in addition, installation process is performing from Windows. Wubi is excellent for people who just want to try Linux avoiding messing Windows partitions. If user decide that he don't need Linux anymore, he just have to simply uninstall it, as any other Windows application.

To install Ubuntu Linux with Wubi installer, we must download it first - we can do it from Wubi official site: After entering at site we have to click on big "Download Now" button and after few minutes we have the installer on our computer.

When we have installer on hard disk, it's time to run it. On the left we must choose hard disk on which we want to install Ubuntu Linux (C: or D: - I recommend D:) The next step is to choose ammount of space, which we want to reserve for our new system. I recommend ~5GB. At "Desktop environment" section choose "Ubuntu". Now we have to choose our language, username and password which we want for Linux. Next we have to click on "Install".

Now Wubi will start downloading and installing cd image with Ubuntu Linux; it will take about 1 - 1,5h. After this, we have to restart computer. Ok, it's finished now :)


[ns] Deadline extension, December 16: PESARO 2012 || April 29 - May 4, 2012 - Chamonix / Mont Blanc, France


Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish
original scientific results to PESARO 2012.
The submission deadline is extended to December 16, 2011.
In addition, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended article versions to one of the IARIA Journals:

============== PESARO 2012 | Call for Papers ===============


PESARO 2012: The Second International Conference on Performance, Safety and Robustness in Complex Systems and Applications
April 29 - May 4, 2012 - Chamonix / Mont Blanc, France

General page:

Call for Papers:

- regular papers
- short papers (work in progress)
- posters
- ideas

Submission page:

Submission deadline: December 16, 2011

Sponsored by IARIA,

Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals:

Please note the Poster and Work in Progress options.

The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards,
implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete
unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to,
topic areas.

All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in terms of Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress,
Technical/marketing/business presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and Panels.

Before submission, please check and conform with the Editorial rules:

PESARO 2012 Topics (topics and submission details: see CfP on the site)

Fundamentals on system safety; Robustness technology and evaluation; Metrics for risk assessment; Performance-oriented
design; Safety-oriented system design; Performance metrics and dependable metrics ; Active and passive safety; Performance
warning delay

Methodologies, techniques and algorithms
Systems modeling; Hazard analysis; System measurement and monitoring; Evaluation of safety data, and mitigation and
prevention strategies; Model verification and validation; Fault-tolerant systems; Simulation, statistical analysis, and
experimental design analysis; Language and runtime systems

Performance basics; Performance-oriented design; Performance methodology techniques and algorithms for analytic modeling;
System measurement and monitoring; Model verification and validation, simulation, statistical analysis; Experimental
design, and reliability analysis; Performance evaluation of various technologies and systems (mobile devices and wireless
networks, distributed and parallel systems, file and storage systems, power management, database systems, computer
networks and architectures, operating systems, fault-tolerant systems, and language and runtime systems). Performance in
dedicated service systems (Web services, Financial services, Healthcare and pharmaceuticals, Telecommunications services,
Industrial Manufacturing, Education services, Transportation services, Energy and utilities)

Safety in industrial systems
Fundamentals on system safety; Safety of software systems and software engineering; Safety requirements; Safety for
critical systems; Engineering for system robustness and reliability; Control of mission critical systems; Safety-oriented
system design; Human tasks and error models; Hazard analysis; Cost and effectiveness of system safety; Verification and
validation of safety; Safety tools; Evaluation of safety data, and mitigation and prevention strategies; Safety control
and management; System Safety Implementation Guidelines and Standards; Transferring safety knowledge; Metrics for Risk
Assessment; Contingency Planning and Occurrence Reporting; Preparedness Activities; Industry specific safety systems
(Medical devices, Aerospace, Chemical industry, Nuclear power plants, Public health, Biological Safety)

Basic concepts and applications; Theory and mechanisms for robustness; Uncertainty and robustness; Statistic robustness;
Computation and optimization of robustness; Robustness estimation and approximation; Robustness correction; Robust
systems; Robustness tests and benchmarking

Applications and services
Mobile Web performance; Multiple data center management; Network latency and impact on performance/robustness; Performance
and robustness of cloud-based solutions; Scalable safe and robust solutions; Mobile devices and wireless networks; Mission
critical systems and applications; Industry specific safety systems (medical devices, aerospace, chemical industry,
nuclear power plants, public health, biological systems)


[ns] Deadline extension, December 16: MMEDIA 2012 || April 29 - May 4, 2012 - Chamonix / Mont Blanc, France

[ns] Why I can't set the position of HA or FA

Re: [ns] Flow IDs for PackMime on CBQ/WRR

Hi again,

I have tried to use a PagePool with the option :

PagePool/WebTraf set FID_ASSIGNING_MODE_ 2

It has worked perfectly but that does not solve my problem (described
down) (I need to use a packmime).

The problem would be the same on a simple CBQ link.

Thank you,


On 11/15/2011 09:15 AM, Guillaume Gaillard wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to use PackMime web Traffic generator on a CBQ/WRR link.
The thing is :
> - I don't know how to control the flows ids (fid) of the packmime
traffic (is it possible to define a range of fids or even a unique fid
?) so I fall in the typical "unknown flow" error every time.
> - Does it exist a TCL "Application" syntax for Packmime ? Something
like :
> set tcpclient [new Agent/TCP/FullTcp]
> $n(0) attach $tcpclient 1234
> $tcpclient set fid_ 4
> set tcpserv [new Agent/TCP/FullTcp]
> $n(1) attach $tcpserv 12345
> $tcpserv set fid_ 4
> $ns connect $tcpserv $tcpclient
> set webc [new Application/PackMimeHTTP/Client]
> $webc attach-agent $tcpclient
> set webs [new Application/PackMimeHTTP/Server]
> $webc attach-agent $tcpserv
> What parameters should I add ?
> - If this isn't possible what alternatives could you advise ?
> Thank you,
> Guillaume

[ns] Problem running ATM code (NS-2.35)

[ns] Installing NRLSensorsim in NS-2.34

Hi All,

I am working on WSN and want to install NRLSensorsim in NS-2.34. Can anyone
help me how to install it in Ns-2.34??


Monday, November 28, 2011

With Electronic Components Such as Simulation of Computing Power Has The Object,

The scientific name is computer electronic computer, is by the early electric calculator. In 1945, the first appeared in the world of electronic digital computer "ENIAC", used for calculation of the trajectory. Is from the university of Pennsylvania electrician Moore, but it made of the huge volume, covers an area of more than 500 square meters, the weight is about 30 tons, consumption by nearly 100 kilowatts of electricity. Obviously, the cost is high, difficult to use computer. In 1956, the transistor electronic computer was born, this is the second generation electronic computer. As long as a few bigger cabinet can will it hold, speed also greatly increased. In 1959 came the third generation computer integrated circuit.

Since the 1970 s, this is the recent development of computer stage. By 1976, the large scale integrated circuit and very large scale integrated circuits made of clay "number one", make the computer into the fourth generation. The invention of the very large scale integrated circuit, make the electronic computer constantly toward miniaturization, miniaturization, low power consumption, intelligence, and systematic direction upgraded.

In the 1990 s, the computer "intelligent" direction, create and the human brain similar to the computer, thinking, learning and memory, network communication, etc.

In the 21 st century, is the notebook computer, miniaturization and specialization, speed more than 1 million times per second, not only simple operation, price cheap, and people can take the place of the part of the brain, or, in some aspects of labor expanded the human's intelligence. So, today's tiny electronic computers will be called the computer image to.

The world's first personal computers by IBM released in 1981. Computer history

In 1945, the first by the American production automatic Electronic digital computer "eni gram" (English abbreviations, namely Electronic Numerical is ENIAC Integrator Calculator, meaning in Chinese-is the Electronic Numerical Integrator and calculators). It is the us Olympic "test in order to meet DingWuQi calculation ballistic need and developed. Main inventor is the electrical engineer, Preston wave echoviruses, Prespen (j. Eckert) and physicist John moche le Ph.D. (John w. Mauchly). This computer in February 1946 consign is used, nine years of service. It USES vacuum tubes as the basic elements, the computer can be conducted 5000 times per second addition and subtraction. It USES the 18000 only 10000 only capacitance, electron tubes, 7000, volume only resistance 3000 cubic feet, covers an area of 170 square meters, weight 30 tons, 140 ~ 150 kw, power consumption is a worthy of the name "colossus".

ENIAC the appearance of the machine of epoch-making significance, show that the arrival of the era of computer, in the following DuoNian 40, the computer technology development in human history, a rapid change is not yet a subject and computer development speed comparable.

Each generation computer introduces below the hardware structure and the characteristics of the system:

A, first generation (1946 ~ 1958) : electron tubes digital computers

The logic element electron tubes used computer, main memory, a drum, delay line by mercury ferrite core; The external storage tape; Software mainly use the machine language, assemble language; Application to scientific computing primarily. Its characteristic is larger, great power consumption, poor reliability, the price is expensive, maintenance and complex, but it laid the foundation of computer technology after.

Second, the second generation (1958 ~ 1964) : transistor digital computers

The invention of the transistor promoted the development of the computer, logic element used the transistor, the volume of the computer after greatly narrowed, power consumption to reduce and reliability, performance than the first generation of computers has been greatly improved.

Main memory using magnetic cores, external storage has started to use the more advanced disk; The software has been developing rapidly, appear all sorts of advanced language and its compiler, also appeared in batch primarily operating system, application to scientific computing and various transaction processing give priority to, started to use industrial control.

Three, the third generation (1964 ~ 1971) : integrated circuit digital computers

In the 1960 s, the computer logic element with small, medium scale integrated circuit (SSI, MSI), the volume of computer more miniaturization, less power consumption and has higher reliability, performance than the tenth generation computer and had the very big enhancement, at this time, minicomputers also flourished and application field is expanding.

Main memory still use magnetic cores, software perfected gradually, timesharing system, conversational language, etc DuoZhong senior language has new development.

Four, the fourth generation (after 1971) : large scale integrated circuit digital computers

The computer logic element and main memory using (LSI). The so-called large scale integrated circuit is to point to in a single slice of silicon including integrated 1000 ~ 2000 above the transistor, the integrated circuit, small-scale integration than in integrated circuit improve the 1 ~ 2 above orders of magnitude. Then the computer to the development of the miniaturization, low power consumption, little the high reliability of the stage. Large scale integrated circuit make military industry, space technology, atomic energy technology is developing, the vigorous development of these fields of computer put forward higher request, promoted the development of the computer industry unprecedented. Along with large scale integrated circuit technology, the rapid development of the computer giant computer development direction in addition to the super minicomputers does the direction and towards over forward. By the end of 1971, the world's first processors and microcomputer in t he United States in south San Francisco, it has opened the silicon valley arises at the historic moment of a microcomputer new age. Since then all kinds


[ns] Deadline extension, December 16: ICDT 2012 || April 29 - May 4, 2012 - Chamonix / Mont Blanc, France


Please, consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish
original scientific results to ICDT 2012.
The submission deadline is set to December 16, 2011.
In addition, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended article versions to one of the IARIA Journals:

============== ICDT 2012 | Call for Papers ===============


ICDT 2012: The Seventh International Conference on Digital Telecommunications
April 29 - May 4, 2012 - Chamonix / Mont Blanc, France

General page:

Call for Papers:

- regular papers
- short papers (work in progress)
- posters

- ideas

Submission page:

Submission deadline: December 16, 2011

Sponsored by IARIA,

Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals:

Please note the Poster and Work in Progress options.

The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards,
implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete
unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to,
topic areas.

All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in terms of Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress,
Technical/marketing/business presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and Panels.

Before submission, please check and conform with the Editorial rules:

ICDT 2012 Topics (topics and submission details: see CfP on the site)

SIGNAL: Signal processing in telecommunications

Signal processing theory and practice; Image and multidimensional signal processing; Signal filter design and structures;
Multirate filtering, filter banks, and adaptive filters; Fast signal processing algorithms; Nonlinear signals and systems;
Nonuniform transformation; 2D nonuniform DFT; Fast algorithm of NDFT; Advanced image/video coding; Advanced prediction
techniques; Signal detection and reconstruction; Spectral estimation and time-frequency analysis; Higher order spectrum
analysis; Parameter estimation; Array signal processing; Statistical signal analysis; Signal and system modeling;
Cyclostationary signal analysis; Active noise control, active noise reduction and echo cancellation; Psychoacoustics and
room acoustics; Signal processing for music; Binaural systems and multidimensional signal systems; Geophysical and seismic
signal processing; Nonlinear interpolation/resampling; Extensions to wavelet based coding (x-lets); Low complexity
image/video compression; Multiple resolution signal processing; New approach to digital signal processing; Compression of
random data; Recompression of compressed data; 2D projection of 3D data; Stereo data matching; Emerging applications
requiring new compression tools; Unified compression and recognition; H.264 and latest video coding standards; Latest
audio coding standards

DATA: Data processing

Data transmission and reception mechanisms and techniques; Enhanced tools for video data integrity; Data mining,
filtering, and reporting; Secure data transmission; Transmission media and data encoding; Text reading devices (super-pen,
pen-elite, reading-pen); Scanned and generated lossy (progressive) multi-page text; (Visually) lossless mechanisms;
Pricing data transmission; Differential data transmission systems; Data transmission equipments and transmission rates;
Delay-constrained data transmission; Undersea and satellite data transmission techniques; Performance evaluation of data
transmission; Multicast data transmission; High speed data transmission; Data transmission control; Integrity and privacy
in data transmission; Data transmission standards

AUDIO: Audio transmission and reception systems

Audio transmission and reception systems and devices; Digital audio transmission signal processing; Audio transmission
over Internet; Audio Multiplexing Transmission Systems; Stereo audio transmission signal; Digital infrared audio
transmission; Multi-stream and multi-path audio transmission; Wireless-compressed digital audio transmission; Perceptual
coding for audio transmission and storage; Laser audio transmission; Synchronizing video and audio transmission; Wide-band
audio transmission; Index-frame audio transmission; Digital audio transmission rights; Noise in wireless audio
transmission; Audio tools and products; Standards

VOICE: Voice over packet networks

Planning and implementing voice networks and systems; Voice transmission systems; Voice transmission performance; Quality
real-time voice transmission; Metrics for quality of voice transmission; Stereophonic voice transmission systems; Header
Compression for VoIP over WLAN; Voice over IP solution for mobile radio interoperability; VoIP over cable TV networks;
VoIP over Wi-Max

VIDEO: Video, conferencing, telephony

Digital video; Video coding formats (ITU-T, SMPTE 421M, AVS-China); Video coders and decoders; Profiles, latency,
intermediate formats; Video surveillance and privacy; Video feature requirements; Network video recorders; Graceful
degradation of archive video; Video data integrity (error detection, tamper resistance); Alarm events for voice content
(motion detection, object tracking, face recognitions); Coding efficiency and distributed video coding; Compression and
scrambling; Enhanced tools for video data integrity; Multiple reference pictures; Intra-layer and inter-layer prediction;
Fading prediction and loop filter; Video with compression errors; Viewing distance and perceptual quality; Video quality
models; Omnidirectional video; 3D video; Video standardization encoding; Texture synthesizer

IMAGE: Image producing, sending, and mining

Model-based progressive image transmission; Wireless image transmission; Computer generated images; Image security,
scrambling, and regions of interest; Timing requirements for image transmission; Transmission of still and moving images;
Protocols for low bit rate; Error-prone image transmission; Energy efficient image transmission; Multi-technology image
formation; Devices for image capturing and processing (cams, web-cams, etc.); Scanning and sampling, quantization and
halftoning, color reproduction; Image representation and rendering, display and printing systems; Image quality
assessment; Image search and sorting, video indexing and editing; Integration of images and video with other media; Image
authentication and watermarking; Image storage, retrieval and multimedia; Image and video databases; Generic coding of
moving pictures; Media stream packetization; Modes for archival playback; Image-based applications; Standard for image
processing; Image analysis and segmentation; Image filtering, restoration and enhancement; Image representation and
modeling; Pattern recognition

SPEECH: Speech producing and processing

Tooling, Architectures, Components and Standards; Voice modulation, frequencies; Linguistics, Phonology and Phonetics;
Discourse and Dialogue; Speech analysis, synthesis, coding, and recognition; Speech enhancement and noise reduction;
Speech features, production, and perception; Speech Coding and Transmission; Speech Signal Processing; Spoken Language
Generation and Synthesis; Speech QoS Enhancement; Speaker Characterization and Recognition; Spoken Language; Resources and
Annotation; Spoken/Multi-modal Dialogue Technology and Systems; Spoken Language Information Extraction/Retrieval; Speech
Transmission Technology for the Aged and Disabled; Audio-Visual Speech Processing; Biomedical Applications of Speech
Analysis; Spoken document retrieval; Speech Processing in a Packet; Network Environment; Automatic Speech Recognition in
the Context of Mobile Communications; Human Factors in Speech and Communication Systems; Automatic speech recognition and
understanding technology; Speech to text systems; Spoken dialog systems; Multilingual language processing; New
Applications of Spoken Language Technology and Systems

IPTV: IP/Mobile TV

IPTV applications and middleware; On-demand television; Interactive TV; Broadcast TV data; Broadcast content formats;
Stereo and 3D TV; TVoDSL; Television archiving; IPTV broadcasting; IPTV-aware devices; IPTV regulatory issues and
copyrights; IPTV network infrastructure; IPTV monitoring and management; I[P]TV usage fees; IPTV Personalization and QoS

MULTI: Multicast/Broadcast Triple-Quadruple-play

Scalable video/audio coding; Multiplexing video/audio/data; Multimedia terminals; Multimedia systems and protocols; PSTN
modems and interfaces; Facsimile terminals; Direct broadcast satellite; Terrestrial broadcast television; Cable modems;
Universal media access; Format compatibility; Media support platforms; VoIP Quality for Triple Play; Testing triple-play
services; Triple-play data encryption; Triple-play services

CONTENT: Production, distribution

Content injection, cashing, storage, and distribution; Producing and transmitting streaming content; Content localization
services; Content and customers profiles; Documenting and content authoring; Authorizing topic-based content; Content
customization and metadata; On-demand content; Content retrieval from archives (alarm-based, time stamp-based); Content
management solutions and systems; Unstructured content environment; Multi-channel content delivery/publishing strategies;
Content reuse

HXSIP: H-series towards SIP

SIP and H-xxx architectures and logical components; Instant messages and presence; Management of QoS in SIP and H-xxx
environments; Basic SIP building blocks; Security and firewalls with SIP and H-xxx series; Service creation and telephony
services with SIP and H-xxx; Multimedia conferencing with SIP and H-xxx; SIP application scenarios; SIP
(auto)configuration; SIP and H-xxx beyond VoIP; Leveraging SIP for Global Enterprise Roaming; SIP, H-xxx and 3GPP;
Emergency Calling in SIP and H-xxx; Advanced SIP and H-xxx applications and services; SIP and H-xxx on Cable Networks; SIP
and H-xxx devices; SIP and h-xxx deployment experience; End-to-end SIP and H-xxx communications; SIP/H.323 Interworking
Function for real time communications

MULTE: Multimedia Telecommunications

Frameworks, architectures, systems for delivering voices, audio, and data; Methodologies, technologies, procedures and
mechanisms; IMT-2000 concepts; IMS concepts (IP Multimedia Systems); Bluetooth and WLAN coexistence on handsets;
Packet-based multimedia communication systems; Converging technology for voice and data networks; Accessibility features
for unpaired users; Confidentiality for audiovisual services; Multimedia transmission performance; Multiplexing and
synchronization; Directory services for multimedia; Computation complexity and costs (multiple simultaneous decoders);
Coding efficiency (embedded, bit-plane, arithmetic); Compatibility between Analog/DVD and networks; IP4/IP6 transition and
NAT; QoS/SLA, perceptual QoS, and formal visual tests; Temporal and spatial scalability; Pre-processing and predictive
coding; Coding with regions-of-interest; Secure transcoding; Computation power and resolution; Transform and quantization;
Entropy coding; Lossless and lossy compression; Transmission in noisy environments; Voice/video/data in 4G; Specialized
medical applications; Medical imaging and communications networks; MPEG for endoscopy, microscopy, radiology, surgery;
Medical archiving systems; Digital devices for image capturing (microscope, stethoscope); Digital equipments and digital
cinema; Digital signature protection

MOBILE: Mobile technologies

3G+: UMTS, HSPA, HSUPA, HSDPA, HSOPA, WiMAX, UWB. LTE, All-IP LTE 4G and beyond; Seamless handover engineering; Cognitive
radio; Mobile video surveillance; Pervasive/ubiquitous/mobile systems; Security and privacy issues for mobile and wireless
systems; Mobile ad hoc networks

MEDMAN: Control and management of multimedia telecommunication

Video codec-aware of packets; Monitoring via guard on patrol, central station, forensic analysis; Managing single domestic
licensing and granted patent pool for compressions; End-to-end quality monitoring/management; Perceived/offered quality:
video-only, audio-only, audio-video; In-service monitoring of voice/video/data services; Real-time distributed imagery
management systems; Performance in voice/video/data systems; Distributed multimedia service management; Mobile multimedia
network management; Multi-point, multicast services management; Deployment of multimedia services; Network management
models and architectures; Billing and security for multimedia services; Network measurement/monitoring for multimedia

SARP: Software architecture research and practice

Distributed software architecture; Architectural styles and patterns; Architecture refinement and transformation; Software
architecture and pervasive systems; Software architecture analysis & testing; Architectural description languages (ADLs);
Component-based software architecture; Dynamic software architecture; Self-repairing software architecture; Adaptive
software architecture; Aspect-oriented software architecture; Service-oriented architecture [SOA]; Domain specific
software architecture [DSSA]; Tools/Environments for software architects; Product-line software architecture; Industrial
case studies and reports

STREAM: Data stream processing

Fundamentals on data stream processing; Data stream processing and event stream processing; Continuous query languages;
Time management in data stream systems; Aggregated queries support; Query processing with multiple, continuous, rapid,
time-varying data streams; Processing frequent itemset discovery queries; Real-time stream data processing; Network-aware
operator placement for stream-processing systems; Integrating database queries and Web searches; Scalable Distributed
Stream Processing; Optimization of data stream processing; Performance and overhead in data stream processing; QoS
adaptation in data stream systems; Adaptive query processing in data stream; Interactive distributed data stream
processing and mining; Data stream management systems; Control theory on stream processing; Processing high-speed data
streams; Stream processing in production-to-business software; Multi-site cooperative data stream analysis; Grid-based
data stream processing; Hyperdatabases for P2P data stream processing; Sensor data stream processing in health monitoring;
Processing and sharing data streams in Grid-based P2P infrastructures

TRACK: Tracking computing technologies

Airport security communications technologies; Hazards detection- automatic real-time material/object recognition;
Intelligent IP-based sensor networking for homeland security; Real-time intelligence data validation and verification
mechanisms; Efficient data integration and mining techniques for NATO countries; Secure distributed storage and data
pinning; SATCOM for HLS; Critical aerospace communications systems; HLS for air, land and sea operational environments;
Airborne real-time spatial tracking techniques; Bio-authentication sensors and tools; Cyber and physical security of key
infrastructure and operations; Protection of Real-time resilient communications network infrastructures; International
standards for data schema and data sharing between USA and other countries; Emergency response tools; Prediction of
Intent; Standards for Passenger Data Integration; Sharing Addressing and Service Discovery in Auto-configuring MANETs;
Exploiting localization and network information (GPS, INS, GIS, terrain features, ToA, AoA, SNR, QoS) for improved ad-hoc
networking in complex terrain; Advanced indoor and outdoor location-based applications: real-time tracking, multimedia,
bidirectional, proactive applications; Location based services based on integrated cellular, ad hoc, RFID, and sensor
networks; New positioning techniques in support of location based servcies (indoor, cellular, satellite, hybrid);
Geographic Information Systems for supporting location based services; Quality of location data Integration of
Hierarchical Location-Based Routing (HLBR) with Delay- and Disruption-Tolerant Neworks (DTNs); Narrow-band control
channels for HLBR; Location-aware (GPS-aware) Internet Browsers for Location-based services


[ns] Deadline extension, December 16: CTRQ 2012 || April 29 - May 4, 2012 - Chamonix / Mont Blanc, France


Please, consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to CTRQ 2012.
The submission deadline is extended to December 16, 2011.
In addition, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended article versions to one of the IARIA Journals:

============== CTRQ 2012 | Call for Papers ===============


CTRQ 2012: The Fifth International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service
April 29 - May 4, 2012 - Chamonix / Mont Blanc, France

General page:

Call for Papers:

- regular papers
- short papers (work in progress)
- posters
- ideas

Submission page:

Submission deadline: December 16, 2011

Sponsored by IARIA,

Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals:

Please note the Poster and Work in Progress options.

The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas.

All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in terms of Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress, Technical/marketing/business presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and Panels.

Before submission, please check and conform with the Editorial rules:

CTRQ 2012 Topics (topics and submission details: see CfP on the site)

Communication theory
Fundamentals in communication theory; Communications switching and routing; Communications modeling; Communications security; Autonomic communications; Performance in communications; Computer communications; Distributed communications; Wired and wireless communications; Signal processing in communications; Multimedia and multicast communications; High-speed communications; Delay-tolerant communications; Fault-tolerant networks; Reliable and safe communications; Iterative coding and decoding techniques

Reliability modeling; Reliability stress analysis; Dependency-related reliability; Reliability prediction technologies; Reliability-aware topology control; Reliability in highly dynamic networks and distributed systems; Reliability in sensitive networks (ehealth, financial, etc.); Service versus network reliability; Reliability and human-related risks; Software reliability; Software-based safety kernels; Reliability testing; Maintenance tools for system reliability; QoS-driven reliability;

Quality of Service
QoS Design and architectures for networks and distributed systems; QoS modeling, adaptation and monitoring; QoS policy assessment; QoS metrics and measurement; QoS-based routing; QoS-aware applications and services; Provisioning and monitoring QoS constraints; QoS-based admission control; QoS negotiation and mediation; User-profile QoS-aware mechanisms; QoS-network device mechanisms (scheduling, queue management, traffic engineering, etc.); QoS and opportunistic scheduling; QoS-aware resource management; QoS in WLAN, WPAN, WMAN and WiMAX (IEEE 802.11/15/16/20); QoS in wireless sensor and ad hoc networks; QoS support in wireless networks for MAC protocols; QoS and survivability in mobile environments;

Quality of Experience (QoE); QoS/QoE relationship; QoS/QoE mapping; QoS/QoE management; QoS/QoE issues in wireless networks; Quality of Handoff; Quality of Diagnosis; Quality of Context;


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Paper - Usage And The Introduction of Cisco Packet Tracer ip Address

1. Experiment Objectives1. Understand the concept of routers and routing.2. Able to use the simulator to simulate the conditions actually.3. Able to use the commands to the router administration

2. Basic TheoryIn the simulation of computer networks will inevitably require a considerable effort and funds a lot, so it becomes a barrier in network simulation. For that made softwere packet tracer. Packet Tracer is a software developed by Cisco. Where is the software used to create a computer network or often called a computer network. In this program has been available some-kompenen components or devices that are often worn or used in the system network, such examples Suppose Lan cable (cross over, console, etc.), HUB, Switches, Router and so forth. So that we can easily build a computer network simulation on your PC, this simulation serves to find out how to work on each of these tools and how to delivery a message from one computer to another computer can be simulated as well.

3. Tools and Materialsa. Kompuer (PC)b. Softwere Packet Tracer

4. Experimental Procedure

i. Simulation Cross a. The first - our first prepared a computer that already installed the software Packet Tracer, in this experiment we use the Packet Tracer 5.0b. Go to Packet Tracer c. Then we put two PCs by clicking on the menu and then select the PC and device move to a worksheet in turn.d. Then select the cable we will use to connect the two PCs profit on sheet work, to connect two PCs we use copper cables with cross-over manner click on the cable, and then you click again on the computer 1 and click on Lahi 2 for connecting computers.e. Double click on the computer 1, the menu bar and select the Desktop>> enter the IP addresses.f. then doubel also click on the computer 2, set the IP addresses the same as computer 1 with a different IP address. And later will appear in red on each base cable color gradually changed to green.g. Then we test the connection by sending data from computer 1 to computer 2.h. Select panel simulation, and note the movement of data.

ii. Simulation Switch a. The first - our first prepared a computer that already installed the software Packet Tracer, in this experiment we used the Packet Tracer 5.0 b. Go to Packet Tracer c. Then we put two PCs by clicking on the menu and then select the PC and device move to a worksheet in turn. d. enter multiple computers on a worksheet, in this case we enter 5 e. Enter the device switches placed between the fifth PC. f. Connect with straight-through cable PC with Swich, so on the fifth Its PC. g. Set the IP address of each PC with different IP. h. Then we test the connection by sending data between your PC I. Click the simulations and see how the karingannya.

5. Experimental Results a. Simulation Cross Data transferred move toward computer 2, and if appropriate, the data transferred there will be notification in the form of check lists. b. Simulation switch The transferred data will lead to several computers in turn, but automatically if its IP address does not match the address in question will be canceled and The correct IP address it receives the data transferred.

6. Conclusion a. That all means of communication or any device that uses a network system has its own IP address. b. Shipping data is always performed on all IP addresses but who were executed or who could not accept that only the intended IP address.

7. Attachment

IP Address

The number of IP addresses that are theoretically available are 255 255x255 255 or approximately 4 billion more to be distributed to all users worldwide Internet network. The division of classes is intended to facilitate the allocation of IP addresses, both for the host / network or for certain specific purposes.

IP addresses can be separated into 2 parts, namely the network (net ID) and the host (host ID). Net ID plays a role in the identification of a network from another network, while the host ID serves to identify the hosts in a network. So, all hosts that are connected in the same network have the same net ID. Some of the bits of the initial part of the IP Address is the network bit / network number, while the rest is for the host. The dividing line between the network and hosts are not fixed, depending on the class network. IP addresses are divided into five classes, namely class A, class B, class C, class D and class E.

The differences of each class is on the size and number. For example class A IP network is used by few but the number of hosts that can be accommodated by each network is very large. Class D and E are not used in general, the class D is used for network multicast and class E for keprluan experimental. Internet Protocol software to determine the distribution of types of these classes by examining the first few bits of an IP Address.The first bit IP address class A is 0, with a length of 8 bits of the net ID and host ID 24 bits long. So the first byte of the IP address of class A has a range from 0-127. So there are 127 in class A network with each network can accommodate about 16 million hosts (255 255x255). IP addresses are given for the class A network with a very large number of hosts.

Two-bit IP address class B was always set to 10 so the first byte is always worth between 128-191. Network ID is 16 bits and 16 bits are the host ID so that if any computer has the IP address, the network ID and host ID = 167 205 = 26 161. At. Class B IP address has a range of IP from to, which amounted to 65,255 hosts per network with a number of network hosts 255 x 255 or approximately 65 thousand hosts.

Class C IP address initially used for small networks such as LANs. The first three bits of a class C IP address is always set 111. Network ID consists of 24 bits and 8 bits of remaining host ID that can be formed about 2 million networks with each network has 256 hosts.

Class C IP address used for multicasting. The first 4 bits class C IP address is always set to 1110 so that the first byte range between 224-247, while the next bits are set according to the purposes of the multicast group using IP address. In the multicasting is not known the term network ID and host ID.

IP address of the class E is not intended for public use. The first 4-bit IP address class of 1111 is set so that the first byte range between 248-255.In addition, the term is also known as Network Prefix, which is used to designate the IP address prefix is jaringan.Penulisan network with a slash "/" followed a number that indicates the network prefix length in bits. For example to designate a class B network 167.205/16 used writing. Number 16 is a bit long for a class B network prefix


[ns] Implementation of RSA algorithm in ns2

Hello friends..!!

Can u please help me in implementing RSA algorithm in ns2. can u please
guide me some link in which i can get some source code for RSA algorithm
and steps in istalling or patching it in ns2. I'm really very grateful to
you if u help me in this. Its very urgent for my project.

Thanks & Regards,

[ns] Parameter LabelFont: can't translate `helvetica-10' into a font (defaulting to `fixed')

hi everyone

anybody please tell me

what this statement is

Parameter LabelFont: can't translate `helvetica-10' into a font (defaulting
to `fixed')

please help

with regard
manish singh

[ns] residual energy

Any one know how to find a residual energy left for each node in network
using awk?D i need to add energy model in tcl script to find it?


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Re: [ns] Erro in ns on inroduction o new protocol

please if u have resolved the problem, tell me how u have done
thanks in advance

research simulate wrote:
> I am trying to run blackhole attack ( from
> steps taken by me:
> 1. Installed ns2.29 on red hat linux
> 2. copied blackholeaodv in ns2.29 directory
> 3. changed tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl
> 4. changed
> 5 changed ns2.29/gen/
> 6. run ./configure >> make clean >> make
> But i am getting following errors . Unable to resolve. I havle also read
> enclosed thesis. I shall highly appreciate reply from your end.
> regards
> R S
> (_o19 cmd line 1)
> invoked from within
> "_o19 cmd addr"
> invoked from within
> "catch "$self cmd $args" ret"
> invoked from within
> "if [catch "$self cmd $args" ret]
> { set cls [$self info class]
> global errorInfo
> set savedInfo $errorInfo
> error "error when calling class $cls: $args" $..." (procedure "_o19" line
> 2)
> (SplitObject unknown line 2)
> invoked from within
> "_o19 addr"
> ("eval" body line 1)
> invoked from within
> "eval $node addr $args"
> ("default" arm line 2)
> invoked from within
> "switch -exact $routingAgent_ {
> DSDV {
> set ragent [$self create-dsdv-agent $node]
> }
> DSR {
> $self at 0.0 "$node start-dsr"
> }
> AODV {
> set ragent [$self cre..."
> (procedure "_o3" line 11)
> (Simulator create-wireless-node line 11)
> invoked from within
> "_o3 create-wireless-node"
> ("eval" body line 1)
> invoked from within
> "eval $self create-wireless-node $args"
> (procedure "_o3" line 23)............
> ................

View this message in context:
Sent from the ns-users mailing list archive at

Pro Flight Simulator

I'm a person within the flight simulation network the place We analysis perfect travel simulation games. You are going to in finding presently 2 equivalent shuttle sims available at the market - namely Pro Flight Simulator as well as Flight Pro Sim. These two appear comparable and so i wrote to the author associated with Pro Flight Simulator as well as Flight Pro Sim for a clarification.

I figured it will be good to get a viewpoint distinction and have shed gentle on the issue. So this post is a overview of Pro Flight Simulator and Flight Professional Sim

My summary? Pro Flight Simulator is truly a significantly better merchandise when compared Flight Pro Sim. Here are a few reasons why Pro Flight Simulator is truly a a long way awesome item.

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I may not obtain Flight Pro Sim and even Flightgear to operate upon my program. Flight Pro Sim is completely laggy and it crashes non-stop. Then again, in conjunction with Pro Flight Simulator, I have been in a position to operate the entire game smoothly.

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There are also illustrated directions comprising over one hundred+ webpages which you'll be in a position to make connection with at anytime all through the trip.

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Conclusion? Pro Flight Simulator is truly a *a lot better* on-line sport at the similar time as offering Extra high quality for money (excellent updates!). It also has a higher probability to use the body. The four totally free bonus offers they provide additionally sweetens the deal.

So fly nowadays with Pro Flight Simulator -- one of the sensible commute sim within the market...


[ns] maintaining the throughput between two nodes


I have simulated a scenarion where in the data rate is 2Mbps. Ihave udp packet as 1024 bytes and 2048 bytes respectively for two scenarios and have kept the cbr packet as 1024 bytes. On running the script for two scenarion and analyzing the trace file i found that packet length denoted by Il in both cases ia around 1024 bytes. Is it beacues of cbr packet size.

Also if i want to keep the throughput between two nodes as 500Kbps, 1000Kbps, 1500Kbps and finally as 2000Kbps what parameters should i look for?

Neeraj Gupta

Re: [ns] [ns-ANS] default values of mac 802_11 thresholds


Check ns-2/tcl/libs/*ns*-*default*.tcl" *file*

Best Regards,

Imran Khan

Research Engineer

Network and Service Architecture Lab

Institute Telecom, Telecom SudParis, CNRS Lab UMR5157

9 rue Charles Fourier, 91011 Evry, France

+33 (0) 6 10 91 00 63

On 26 November 2011 13:58, neeraj gupta <>wrote:

> Hi
> Can anybody tell me what are the default vales of various threshold like
> RTSthresh, CS thresh etc in ns-2? Also what is size of hello packets in
> Kindly correct me if i dont put the value of RxThresh and CSThresh then
> default range for transmission is 250m and Carrier sense range is 550m.
> Neeraj Gupta

[ns] default values of mac 802_11 thresholds


Can anybody tell me what are the default vales of various threshold like RTSthresh, CS thresh etc in ns-2? Also what is size of hello packets in AODV?

Kindly correct me if i dont put the value of RxThresh and CSThresh then default range for transmission is 250m and Carrier sense range is 550m.

Neeraj Gupta

Friday, November 25, 2011

[ns] Is there HLA interface in NS?

Is there HLA interface in NS2 or NS3? We know that there is HLA module
in OPNET and Qualnet.
HLA is an IEEE standard about how to enable diffirent simulation
softwares to incooporate each other in the simulating real time. For
example, connect Qualnet with Stage using pRTI1516, the net simulation
will be able to tell us about how communications effect the command
and control of the commander, how communications affect the UAV
striking the targets, etc. Btw, Stage is a simulation tool about
CGF(computer generated forces), and pRTI1516 is an soft bus adopted
the HLA IEEE 1516 standard.
There is HLA module in OPNET, but i do not find anything about HLA in
the NS manual, Is there any HLA interface developed by third party for

[ns] error statement

hi to all

please help me out-

> their was error statement as under

> Starting Simulation...

> ns: record: invalid command name "0"
> while executing
> "$bw0"
> (procedure "record" line 71)
> invoked from within
> "record"
> :

with regard

Proflight Simulator Reviews - Most Realistic Flight Simulation Games

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ProFlightSimulatorprovides more than 120 different aircraft and helicopter from F16s, Migs, Concords and even military flighter jets, over 20,000 of world airports with scenery packages included and more.

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[ns] i can't understand trace file format Directed diffusion

Hello all

Actually im trying to run Directed diffusion simulations on the 2.34 ns
version ...but the problem is that i can't understand trace file format. how
can we distinguish between interest packets and data packets in the trace
file of directed diffusion. I'll really appreciate your feedback, and thanks in advance. Regards,

Re: [ns] EDCA-MAC/802_11e for ns-2.28 simulation problem

Hi Sven,

But I run Tcl script from examples: ns-allinone-2.35/ns-2.35/tcl/ex$ ns
It return error message similar to this mentioned by ali , so i assumed,
that this problems are related and have the same solution.


On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 12:21 PM, Sven Wiethoelter <> wrote:

> Hi Martin,
> > invalid command name "Mac/802_11e"
> this error indicates that your TCL settings (described in the README file
> within the 802.11e package) were not applied properly. Please recheck these
> changes.
> Best regards,
> Sven
> On Nov 25, 2011, at 11:59 AM, Martin Pirhac wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I experience same problem with DCCP agent (see error message in
> attachment).
> > Please let us know, if anybody found sollution of this.
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Martin Pirhac
> >
> > On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 7:24 AM, m ali <> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> Hi all
> >>
> >> I wants to simulate patch EDCA MAC/802.11e for ns-2.28. When i run tcl
> >> script the following error occurs. Same problem discussed from many
> >> people on forums but no solution is present on web
> >>
> >> Please help me why this error occur.
> >>
> >> Best Regards
> >> Moazzam
> >>
> >> moazzam@moazzam-OptiPlex-GX270:~/software$ ns multi_udpflows.tcl
> >> num_nodes is set 5
> >> wired node 0 created
> >> wired node 1 created
> >> wired node 2 created
> >> invalid command name "Mac/802_11e"
> >> while executing
> >> "Mac/802_11e create _o54 "
> >> invoked from within
> >> "catch "$className create $o $args" msg"
> >> invoked from within
> >> "if [catch "$className create $o $args" msg] {
> >> if [string match "__FAILED_SHADOW_OBJECT_" $msg] {
> >> delete $o
> >> return ""
> >> }
> >> global errorInfo
> >> error "class $..."
> >> (procedure "new" line 3)
> >> invoked from within
> >> "new $mactype"
> >> (procedure "_o44" line 10)
> >> (Node/MobileNode add-interface line 10)
> >> invoked from within
> >> "$node add-interface $chan $propInstance_ $llType_ $macType_
> >> $ifqType_ $ifqlen_ $phyType_ $antType_ $topoInstance_ $inerrProc_
> >> $outerrProc_ $FECProc_"
> >> (procedure "_o3" line 83)
> >> (Simulator create-wireless-node line 83)
> >> invoked from within
> >> "_o3 create-wireless-node 1.0.0"
> >> ("eval" body line 1)
> >> invoked from within
> >> "eval $self create-wireless-node $args"
> >> (procedure "_o3" line 23)
> >> (Simulator node line 23)
> >> invoked from within
> >> "$ns node 1.0.0"
> >> invoked from within
> >> "set BS(0) [$ns node 1.0.0]"
> >> (file "multi_udpflows.tcl" line 92)
> >>
> >>
> > <error_msg.txt>

Re: [ns] EDCA-MAC/802_11e for ns-2.28 simulation problem

pop@Pop-PC:~/Plocha/ns-allinone-2.35/ns-2.35/tcl/ex$ ns dccp.tcl

invalid command name "Agent/DCCP/TCPlike"
while executing
"Agent/DCCP/TCPlike create _o1575 "
invoked from within
"catch "$className create $o $args" msg"
invoked from within
"if [catch "$className create $o $args" msg] {
if [string match "__FAILED_SHADOW_OBJECT_" $msg] {
delete $o
return ""
global errorInfo
error "class $..."
(procedure "new" line 3)
invoked from within
"new Agent/DCCP/TCPlike"
invoked from within
"set dccp1 [new Agent/DCCP/TCPlike]"
(file "dccp.tcl" line 206)

[ns] Variable link delay

Hello all,

I would like to ask, if it is possible in ns-2 to set variable delay for
each packet transmitted on the same link.
I mean something like this:
$ns duplex-link $n0 $n1 100mb *random delay from 0 to 2 ms* DropTail

Do you have any suggestions how to achieve this ?

Thank you in advance
Martin Pirhac

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Re: [ns] urgently need help on tcl&awk file


In your case where you are having 5 nodes. If you have only 1 source node
and 1 destination node, then you just have to attache the source node with
traffic source agent and destination node with null/sink agent.

Regarding your throughput and delay, you must have used wrong method or
wrong script to analyze your trace file.

Cross check your script which analyzes the trace file whether it is taking
all the send and receive packets properly or not.

There are many links available on google who have many AWK scripts to
analyze trace file to calculate througput, delay and other performance
metric parameters. You can use them and before using them verify those
scripts properly.

On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 12:17 AM, CHALIDA SRIPRECHANUN <
> wrote:

> I'm not sure that do i need to attach evry node with agent or only a source
> and destination only.
> best regards,
> Chalida
> On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 9:19 PM, CHALIDA SRIPRECHANUN
> <>wrote:
> > Hello
> > I'm a new user of ns2 and I need your guys help on it.I'd like to define
> > topology from 5 node in olsr,aodv,dsdv protocol and compare performance
> > i.e. throughput,delay.However the result it really strange as it show
> > throughput=-0.06 and delat parameter of those three file are almost the
> > same.I;m not sure what did i do wrong.Can you help me solve this problem?
> >
> > best regards,
> > Chalida
> >


[ns] route discovery latency awk script

Can somebody tell me if there is a way to calculate or what is the way to calculate route discovery latency ,I have to do it for aomdv and aodv in ns2 .Please reply quick ,it's urgency .I have a comparison to do .

Re: [ns] urgently need help on tcl&awk file

I'm not sure that do i need to attach evry node with agent or only a source
and destination only.
best regards,

On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 9:19 PM, CHALIDA SRIPRECHANUN

> Hello
> I'm a new user of ns2 and I need your guys help on it.I'd like to define
> topology from 5 node in olsr,aodv,dsdv protocol and compare performance
> i.e. throughput,delay.However the result it really strange as it show
> throughput=-0.06 and delat parameter of those three file are almost the
> same.I;m not sure what did i do wrong.Can you help me solve this problem?
> best regards,
> Chalida

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Re: [ns] two routing protocol in the same script

beleive me, not me who posted these messages, it was a problem, when I post
the message, it said error 505, but in fact it was sent, then I redone, at
the end I found all these message, and when i try to drop it, it said error

Ευαγγελος Χατζησταυρος wrote:
> Stop spamming... Someone will see you problem and respond :)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ns-users-bounces@ISI.EDU [mailto:ns-users-bounces@ISI.EDU] On Behalf
> Of ziralda
> Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2011 2:46 PM
> To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
> Subject: [ns] two routing protocol in the same script
> hello
> please i need your help
> i copied the folder of AODV protocol an rename it in ns-2.34 to implement
> the blackhole attack, i want to use the same packet of AODV protocol, i
> changed all necessary classes, structurs and variables, also i have
> changed
> the following files : ns-lib.tcl, ns-agent.tcl and Makefile.ini, after i
> have executed: make clean, make and make install (as a root).
> In my script ......i have used the protocol AODV for 4 nodes, and the node
> 5
> use the new routing protocol (i mean AODV with blackhole attack) but when
> i
> execute my script i have ...this message:
> (_o39 cmd line 1)
> invoked from within
> "_o39 cmd tracetarget _o57"
> invoked from within
> "catch "$self cmd $args" ret"
> invoked from within
> "if [catch "$self cmd $args" ret] {
> set cls [$self info class]
> global errorInfo
> set savedInfo $errorInfo
> error "error when calling class $cls: $args" $..."
> (procedure "_o39" line 2)
> (SplitObject unknown line 2)
> invoked from within
> "$ragent tracetarget $T"
> (procedure "_o36" line 14)
> (Node/MobileNode agenttrace line 14)
> invoked from within
> "$node agenttrace $tracefd"
> (procedure "_o3" line 106)
> (Simulator create-wireless-node line 106) invoked from within
> "_o3 create-wireless-node"
> ("eval" body line 1)
> invoked from within
> "eval $self create-wireless-node $args"
> (procedure "_o3" line 23)
> (Simulator node line 23)
> invoked from within
> "$ns_ node"
> invoked from within
> "set node_(1) [$ns_ node]"
> (file "ex.tcl" line 74)
> Many thanks in advance,
> --
> View this message in context:
> 75163.html
> Sent from the ns-users mailing list archive at

View this message in context:
Sent from the ns-users mailing list archive at

[ns] urgently need help on tcl&awk file

Re: [ns] two routing protocol in the same script

Stop spamming... Someone will see you problem and respond :)

-----Original Message-----
From: ns-users-bounces@ISI.EDU [mailto:ns-users-bounces@ISI.EDU] On Behalf
Of ziralda
Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2011 2:46 PM
To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
Subject: [ns] two routing protocol in the same script

please i need your help
i copied the folder of AODV protocol an rename it in ns-2.34 to implement
the blackhole attack, i want to use the same packet of AODV protocol, i
changed all necessary classes, structurs and variables, also i have changed
the following files : ns-lib.tcl, ns-agent.tcl and Makefile.ini, after i
have executed: make clean, make and make install (as a root).
In my script ......i have used the protocol AODV for 4 nodes, and the node 5
use the new routing protocol (i mean AODV with blackhole attack) but when i
execute my script i have ...this message:


(_o39 cmd line 1)
invoked from within
"_o39 cmd tracetarget _o57"
invoked from within
"catch "$self cmd $args" ret"
invoked from within
"if [catch "$self cmd $args" ret] {
set cls [$self info class]
global errorInfo
set savedInfo $errorInfo
error "error when calling class $cls: $args" $..."
(procedure "_o39" line 2)
(SplitObject unknown line 2)
invoked from within
"$ragent tracetarget $T"
(procedure "_o36" line 14)
(Node/MobileNode agenttrace line 14)
invoked from within
"$node agenttrace $tracefd"
(procedure "_o3" line 106)
(Simulator create-wireless-node line 106) invoked from within
"_o3 create-wireless-node"
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval $self create-wireless-node $args"
(procedure "_o3" line 23)
(Simulator node line 23)
invoked from within
"$ns_ node"
invoked from within
"set node_(1) [$ns_ node]"
(file "ex.tcl" line 74)

Many thanks in advance,
View this message in context:

Sent from the ns-users mailing list archive at

[ns] two routing protocol in the same script

please i need your help
i copied the folder of AODV protocol an rename it in ns-2.34 to implement
the blackhole attack, i want to use the same packet of AODV protocol, i
changed all necessary classes, structurs and variables, also i have changed
the following files : ns-lib.tcl, ns-agent.tcl and Makefile.ini, after i
have executed: make clean, make and make install (as a root).
In my script ......i have used the protocol AODV for 4 nodes, and the node 5
use the new routing protocol (i mean AODV with blackhole attack) but when i
execute my script i have ...this message:


(_o39 cmd line 1)
invoked from within
"_o39 cmd tracetarget _o57"
invoked from within
"catch "$self cmd $args" ret"
invoked from within
"if [catch "$self cmd $args" ret] {
set cls [$self info class]
global errorInfo
set savedInfo $errorInfo
error "error when calling class $cls: $args" $..."
(procedure "_o39" line 2)
(SplitObject unknown line 2)
invoked from within
"$ragent tracetarget $T"
(procedure "_o36" line 14)
(Node/MobileNode agenttrace line 14)
invoked from within
"$node agenttrace $tracefd"
(procedure "_o3" line 106)
(Simulator create-wireless-node line 106)
invoked from within
"_o3 create-wireless-node"
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval $self create-wireless-node $args"
(procedure "_o3" line 23)
(Simulator node line 23)
invoked from within
"$ns_ node"
invoked from within
"set node_(1) [$ns_ node]"
(file "ex.tcl" line 74)

Many thanks in advance,
View this message in context:
Sent from the ns-users mailing list archive at

[ns] two routing protocol in the same script

please i need your help
i copied the folder of AODV protocol an rename it in ns-2.34 to implement
the blackhole attack, i want to use the same packet of AODV protocol, i
changed all necessary classes, structurs and variables, also i have changed
the following files : ns-lib.tcl, ns-agent.tcl and Makefile.ini, after i
have executed: make clean, make and make install (as a root).
In my script ......i have used the protocol AODV for 4 nodes, and the node 5
use the new routing protocol (i mean AODV with blackhole attack) but when i
execute my script i have ...this message:


(_o39 cmd line 1)
invoked from within
"_o39 cmd tracetarget _o57"
invoked from within
"catch "$self cmd $args" ret"
invoked from within
"if [catch "$self cmd $args" ret] {
set cls [$self info class]
global errorInfo
set savedInfo $errorInfo
error "error when calling class $cls: $args" $..."
(procedure "_o39" line 2)
(SplitObject unknown line 2)
invoked from within
"$ragent tracetarget $T"
(procedure "_o36" line 14)
(Node/MobileNode agenttrace line 14)
invoked from within
"$node agenttrace $tracefd"
(procedure "_o3" line 106)
(Simulator create-wireless-node line 106)
invoked from within
"_o3 create-wireless-node"
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval $self create-wireless-node $args"
(procedure "_o3" line 23)
(Simulator node line 23)
invoked from within
"$ns_ node"
invoked from within
"set node_(1) [$ns_ node]"
(file "ex.tcl" line 74)

Many thanks in advance,
View this message in context:
Sent from the ns-users mailing list archive at


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