Tuesday, February 21, 2012

[ns] Error when configure DSR base-station

Dear all,

I'm simulating DSR in infrastructure based wireless networks
(wired-cum-wireless).  First, I turn on
the hierarchical routing. Second, create different domains for wired and
wireless nodes. After that create base station.I have problem when configuring
base-station node
                  # configure for
base-station node
                  $ns_ node-config
-adhocRouting $opt(adhocRouting) \
                                   -wiredRouting ON \
                 #create base-station
                 set temp {1.0.0 1.0.1
1.0.2 1.0.3}   ;# hier address to be used
for wireless;# domain
                 set BS(0) [$ns_ node
[lindex $temp 0]]

When I trace the error, it generated by the line " set BS(0) [$ns+ node
[lindex $temp 0]]", as follows

create-wireless-node 1.0.0"
body line 1)
                     invoked from
                 "eval $self create-wireless-node
                     invoked from
                 "if { [info exists
routingAgent_] && ($routingAgent_ != "") } {

                     set node [eval $self
create-wireless-node $args]

                 if {[info exists
wiredRouting_] && $..."
"_o4" line 22)
                     (Simulator node line
                     invoked from
                 "$ns_ node [lindex
$temp 0]"
                     invoked from within
                 "set BS(0) [$ns_
node [lindex $temp 0]]"

DSR uses SRNode, different from Node/MobileNode as usual. Is that problem? How
can I set the hierarchical address for base-station node correctly?

Best regards,

1 comment:

  1. If you have solved the problem, please share the code.
    Also can you have multiple mobile routing protocols e.g. AODV, DSR etc in a simulation with base stations ?



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