Sunday, February 26, 2012

[ns] Base station node operation

Dear all,
I use base station node to connect wireless and wired
networks. But I don't know which functions of the base station are in charge of
processing packets upon receiving packets from wireless node destined for a
wired node and vice versa. How a base station node switches from wireless routing
to wired routing. And how a base station processes a packet from wireless node
destined for wired node.

If anybody knows about this, please share your
knowledge with me
I'm looking forward to your response

Best regards,
Minh Thuy


  1. hiii...i am also working on base stations..can u please tell me how to make a node as a base staion

  2. Hi Minh,

    Can you please share the knowledge if you have received the answer for Base Station functionality.



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