Sunday, April 8, 2012

[ns] adding components for ns2

i have followed the steps given in the Marc Greis tutorial to the last word
and put the renamed ping files into a directory named

i've made the necessary changes in files like packet.h etc...
my files are and eammh.h
after doing make clean,make depend,make
the eammh.o file is being created successfully.
but even then i get the following error whenever i try to include
Agent/Eammh in a tcl file.


invalid command name "Agent/Eammh"
while executing
"Agent/Eammh instproc recv {from rtt} {
$self instvar node_
puts "node [$node_ id] received ping answer from \
$from with round-trip-ti..."
(file "eammh.tcl" line 32)

what is the problem?


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