Friday, March 16, 2012

[ns] a few questions regarding 802.11 module in ns2

Hi everyone,

I have some questions about 802.11 module (i.e.,
1. Where is physical carrier sensing? It seems *is_idle()* only
checks* tx_state_,
rx_state_* and *nav_*, but does not check physical carrier state.
2. What's the difference between defer timer (*mhDefer_*) and backoff timer
(*mhBackoff_*)? Why not just use one such as backoff timer?
3. When the channel is sensed busy, the backoff timer should refrain from
counting down. But I only see *mhBackoff_.start()*. Does the timer freeze
when channel is busy? If yes, which part of the code shows this?

Can anyone share some experience on this? I will be truly grateful if you
can help me clarify these questions.
-Xiaohui Liu

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