Thursday, February 18, 2010

Installing Tracegraph in Ubuntu 9.10 with NS-2

Installation instructions on Linux:

1)Download tracegraph and mglinstaller from the webpage
Check Trace graph download page:
Choose Linux version and download mglinstaller.
2) At the directory where you save the tracegraph and mglinstaller.
Command: tar -xvzf tracegraph202.linux.tar.gz
3) Command: gunzip mglinstaller.gz
4) Command: sh mglinstaller
5) When asking for location folder, set /home/user1/mgl as the location
6) set the environment path variable by
Command: gedit ~/.bashrc
In .bashrc file, add in the following:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/user1/mgl/bin/glnx86
7) Check the environment,
Command: printenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH
8) Go to directory /home/user1/Tracegraph202 and run trgraph.
Command: ./trgraph

Errors encounter when installing:
1) ./trgraph: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Solution: LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not defined properly. Check with printenv and set the environment again.

2) ./trgraph: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

solution: yum install

Monday, February 15, 2010

What's the Easiest Way to Share Large Files and Media with Friends?

When you want to to share music, movies, photos, or other files online, you've got countless options. We've examined most, and for our money, one tool emerges on top of the heap for its ease of use, wide support, and all-around excellence.

Sharing files publicly has always been a subject of hot debate, but put aside any legal concerns for the moment and consider: What if you want to just share some home videos or music privately with a few friends rather than the internet at large? What's the easiest way to share large files?

The Answer: Opera Unite

For this writer and tech enthusiast's money, the easiest and best way to share large files of any kind with your friends and family is to simply install Opera Unite, walk through a couple of quick configuration screens, and then send them the URL and password to access your content from any browser.

Plenty of web sites let you send large files around, usually by uploading a file and then sending a link to the content, and BitTorrent is also great for sharing large files, but the problem with both of those is that you're unnecessarily putting your content out there online for others, and wasting bandwidth by sending it to third parties. (You could setup private torrents, but those still require an open tracking server, which aren't always reliable.) Opera Unite sets up a fast, direct connection to share your files, it's extremely easy to use, and best of all, it's free!

Since Unite is just a component of the Opera browser, all you have to do is download and install the latest version of Opera. Unite comes along for the ride automatically, but you'll need to activate it by opening up the sidebar, clicking the Unite icon, and going through the wizard to setup a free Unite account (see screenshot).

Note: You don't have to switch to the Opera browser to use Unite, so if you're a Firefox or Chrome loyalist, you can still choose to use Opera just for your file sharing needs.

Once you've done set it up, you can right-click on Opera Unite Home and access the Properties, or you can select the Fire Sharing module and click the Start button to open up a short configuration wizard to help you share your files.

The Technical Bits

Internally, Opera Unite is nothing more than a web server that runs inside of your web browser, and uses the standard HTTP protocol so your friends and family can access your shared content from any browser. Your free Unite account gives you access to Opera's dynamic DNS service, which means you can share your content with an easy-to-remember, unique URL that you can send to anybody. Unite automatically hooks into your router using uPnP to dynamically open port 8840, but it can also use a Unite proxy server when you're behind a more restrictive firewall—though it will obviously be slower.

Everything is password protected, so even if you've setup file sharing and the URL is public, it doesn't mean that people will be able to see what you are sharing—only those that you've given both the public URL and the password to can access your files. You'll probably want to change the default passwords, though.

Now that you've set up Unite, it's time to start sharing. Click on the Unite icon in the left-hand pane of Opera (it's the swirly-looking one), then double-click the File Sharing module.

You'll be asked to choose the folder you wish to share. You can click the Advanced button and setup a few additional properties, but that's

pretty much all you'll need to do to start sharing your files—a URL and password will be automatically generated for you so you can share those files quickly and easily.

After setting up your file share, the next time you double-click on the File Sharing module in left-hand Opera panel you'll open up the administration page. Look over to the right-hand side, where you can see the URL and the automatically generated password. You can copy and paste those to your friends, and they'll be able to access the files immediately—but you should probably change the password to something slightly more difficult first.

Your unique Opera Unite URL will always be set to the [devicename].[username] address format, so you can actually have multiple devices setup on your network and easily share files with each one. If you would prefer to get a little more geeky, you can actually setup your own domain name for Opera Unite, but that's probably overkill for just sharing some files with friends.

Add Image

Once you've sent somebody the URL, they'll be prompted for a password to access the shared content, at which point they can browse through all the files you've shared and download them. Since Opera Unite usually enables port-forwarding on your router automatically with uPnP, the connection is surprisingly fast if you have a decent internet connection—it's going to be slower if it has to go through the Opera proxy server.

What makes this really great for sharing with your less tech-savvy friends is that they don't have to install any applications, or even install Opera—all of the content should work from any browser.

Taking Unite Beyond Simple File-Sharing

Since Opera Unite is nothing more than a web server, it also enables many downloadable modules to do any number of things that you could do with a full web server setup—like create your own streaming music server so you can access your content from anywhere. Just double-click on the media server module in the Unite panel, choose the location of your music folder, and then make sure to set a more difficult password. Just like that, you've enabled your entire music collection to be streamed from any browser anywhere, directly off your home PC. There's a player embedded directly in the page so you don't even need a media player installed on the other machine.

The fun doesn't stop with media serving—there are modules for a simple HTML web server, photo sharing, whiteboards, chatrooms, file sync, and more.

Google Andriod

Android is a mobile operating system using a modified version of the Linux kernel. It was initially developed by Android Inc., a firm later purchased by Google, and lately by the Open Handset Alliance. It allows developers to write managed code in the Java language, controlling the device via Google-developed Java libraries.

Wiki link for android

This link provides the latest information on android!!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Aardvark discovers the perfect person to answer any question in minutes.

It is easy!
  • Just send Aardvark a question in plain English, like you would to a friend.
  • You will get a personal response in about 5 minutes from someone in your network.

You can use Aardvark on the web at, and through your existing communication channels: IM programs (like Gmail Chat, AIM, Yahoo! Messenger, and MSN Messenger), Twitter, iPhone, and any email program.

You can ask Aardvark anything! A few popular subjects:
  • Travel tips
  • Restaurant & bar recommendations
  • Product reviews/opinions
  • Local services and entertainment suggestions
  • Music, movie, TV, and book recommendations
  • Technology & programming help
  • Business & school research
  • Home/Cooking/Gardening ideas
Guys !!!! I found it very help full.... hope u ill also !!!!

Installation problem in NS2.33 in Ubuntu

Hey there!!!!!

I was in trouble for past 3 days trying to install ma UM OLSR patch for ubuntu. But i couldnt. I was geting a error like
“make: *** [tk3d.o] Error 1 tk8.4.14 make failed!” error.

I got to know this is because the OS is lack of developer tools like compilers and stuffs like GCC 4.3 and so on. Hence we gotta install it first.

This can be done by giving the following command in console!!!!
sudo apt-get install build-essential

sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libxmu-dev

The second command is to install the necessary make files for the ns2 installer.

and all done. now you can follow the conventional installation process of NS2 which goes like.......

cd ns-allinone-2.33

Now u gotta edit the .bashrc file and set the path accordingly....
This can be done by the following command.....

sudo gedit ~/.bashrc

and now give the following info in the bashrc file.....

#environment values for NS2/NAM
OTCL_LIB=/your directory/ns-allinone-2.33/otcl-1.13
NS2_LIB=/your directory/ns-allinone-2.33/lib

TCL_LIB=/your directory/tcl8.4.18/library

XGRAPH=/your directory/ns-allinone-2.33/bin:/your directory/ns-allinone-2.33/tcl8.4.18/unix:/your directory/ns-allinone-2.33/tk8.4.18/unix
NS=/your directory/ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/
NAM=/your directory/ns-allinone-2.33/nam-1.13/

in the above make changes to your directory.

then give the following commands in console

cd ns-2.33

All done friends.......

Ns2 has been installed and ready to use.

u can test by typing "ns" in console ( Pray for a while)

is % comes success.... else ther is a error in the way u installed.

I got a % ..... i did made a prayer........ lol

Good Luck guys!!!!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

How to install OLSR patch to ns 2.33 for any LinuX

Installing OLSR Patch | ns-allinone-2.33-rc4

Download the ns and patch from the packages given below !!!!!! ( Fro NS) ( For UM OLSR 0.8.8) ( For OLSR Current Patch)

Now go for the following in the console.....

$ tar zxvf ns-allinone-2.33.tar.gz
$ cd ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33
$ tar zxvf ../../um-olsr-0.8.8.tgz
$ ln -s ./um-olsr-0.8.8 ./olsr
$ cp um-olsr-current-ns2.33-rc4.patch olsr/.
$ patch -p1 < olsr/um-olsr-current-ns2.33-rc4.patch
$ cd ../
$ ./install

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Linux LinuX LINUX........

What to say... After using it for 2 days i tought i wasted a lot of time in using Windows....... I loved Ubuntu till now and i hope i will after the completion of my project too........

I think there are number of advantages for programmers to gain in Linux based environmets.
1. It is free of cost.

2. It is open source.

3. Ease of use.

4. World has almost changed to linux based environments.

5. Last but not least ......... NO VIRUS. Users of windowswould have got fed up in installing antivirus programs and keep on updating it .... bla bla bla.....
no more such stuffs in linux.....

So what i preffer to use linux as ma base OS from today!!!!!!!

Linux Rox!!!!!!

Let us all support OPEN SOURCE !!!!!!

My First UbuntU ScreenShot....

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Installing NS2.33 in Ubuntu 9.10

Easiest way to install ns2 on ubuntu 9.10

Hi There!!!!!

Guys..... I wonder why people switch between Redhat an Fedora for doing their networking projects when they have UBUNTU. I am doing my final year project on adhoc networks and i was about to install fedora in my college for working. i was not comfortable with it and i couldnt get a copy of Fedora 8. So i tought of going for UBUNTU. I already have a been exposed to ubuntu and i was good. Now i got my self the new version 9.10 which has lot of cool features and it's working fine. What i found was But installing ns2 (The Network Simuator) through ns-allinone-2.3x package isn't easy on 9.10. While trying to install ns-allinone-2.3x, Firstly otcl doesn't compile with the latest gcc-4.4 (available with ubuntu 9.10). You need to compile it with gcc -4.3. If you get through this then also your problem is not solved, the ns-allinone-2.3x skips installing nam & xgraph as ubuntu 9.10 is not friendly with these packages available in ns-allinone-2.3x package.
So i spent lots of time to fix this problem and ended up with an interesting lauchpad ppa for installing ns2 on Ubuntu.

Since Ubuntu 9.10 is already being shipped with tcl,otcl,tk... you need not to install these packages, Only ns, nam & xgraph are needed to install.
If you are behind a proxy, make sure you have $http_proxy variable configured in ~/.bashrc.

Following are the simple steps to install ns2 on Ubuntu 9.10 through launchpad ppa.
1> Firstly remove all ns-allinone-2.3x directory (if you put it anywhere to install ns2) and revert back all the path changes you made in ~/.bashrc related to ns2.

2> Now export the Wouter Horré's ppa repository key by typing the following command on terminal and enter:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys B3F3334F

3> Now add the following ppa repository to source list

To do so.....
Go to System menu--->Administration--->Software sources.

In the other softwares tab choose add+ and enter the following addresses in it.

deb karmic main
deb-src karmic main
Reload repository information when prompted by "The information about available software is out-of-date" notification or reload it manually by following command on terminal:
sudo apt-get update
4> Now type the following command on terminal to install ns from the launchpad ppa repository:
sudo apt-get install ns nam xgraph
That's all. There is no need to set-up any path, environment variables or make any changes in ~/.bashrc .

Type ns to check:
you should see % at the command prompt (indicating successful installation)
Type exit if you get stuck with the %

This i ll do guys........

Now time for you to test some files.
So check out for the " ex " folder under your all-in-one-ns-2.33/ns-2.33/tcl/ex and try some simple tcl scripts.......

All the best for your success .....

With Regards VINOTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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